We made plans to travel to East Texas to say a final "goodbye" to Richard's grandfather (Papa). His health had been declining and we figured we probably wouldn't have much time left with him. There was a carnival in town the same weekend so we also got to take Caden there.
Since it was the first time in over a week that I was feeling well, I took full advantage of it. I talked my father-in-law's sister into riding the rides with me. The first one we chose was the type of ride that swings from side-to-side going higher each time until eventually you spin all the way around but not upside-down. We were locked in place by an over-the-head harness. Once it got going, Donna was so freaked out by it that she was screaming, "Sweet, Jesus, save me! Get me down from here! We're gonna die! Oh, Lord, help meeeeeee!" I couldn't help myself - I laughed. And the more she screamed, the more I laughed. She had me laughing so hard I had tears running down my face and my sides hurt. Man, did I need that.
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While we were there, Caden and I both had the opportunity to learn how to shoot a gun. Caden was excited; I was petrified. I don't like guns. I'm not against them, I just don't like them. An untrained (or unstable) person has the potential to cause great harm with a gun (or any weapon for that matter).
I also managed to catch some great shots of Caden rolling down a hill that I used to make a scrapbook page.
We still had not figured out what was going on with Caden's tummy, so by November 7th, we were taking more x-rays and seeing the gastroenterologist again. I'm thankful for caring doctors. After all we went through with Caleb, I have a tendency to go a little over-cautious when it comes to Caden. The doctors we have seen all understand my fears and concerns, are helping to calm me down, and are not blowing me off as a paranoid mom. They are working with me to find out what's wrong with Caden's tummy issues. I love them all the more because of it. We had to do another weekend "cleanse" on him starting on the 9th. He handled it all so very well.
On November 12th, Richard's Papa joined Caleb in Heaven. Because of the salvation of Jesus Christ, we are assured that one day we will see him again. Until then, I know Caleb has one more loving relative to take care of him until we can get there, too.
We went to Louisiana to spend time with family & friends for Thanksgiving and Caden's birthday. We opted for a Star Wars theme for Caden since he's into it just as much as Caleb was (if not more so). My SIL was in charger of the cake since we were driving in. I LOVE how she used a picture of us and her family from pics we took prior to Caleb's fight with Darth Vader as the picture on the cake. It helped us all to remember him during a joyous occasion. After opening all his gifts, he and several of the kids (including the grown kind) had a massive Light Saber battle in the front yard. When all was said and done, only 1 of the 6+ swords was damaged in the melee & no injuries were reported!
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My favorite part of the month was having a short family photo session. Our nephew's girlfriend is a budding photographer & agreed to take some shots for us while we were in Louisiana. I love the shots she got of us & can't wait to have her take more the next time we are down there (or if I can convince her to come to us)!
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Stay tuned for more updates...
We still miss Caleb every moment of every day. He is always in our hearts, always in our thoughts, and is loved today, tomorrow, in ALL ways to infinity and beyond.
Angel, Richard & Caden