Sunday, August 20, 2017

Happy 12th Birthday, Caleb

12 years ago today, this miracle came into my life and changed everything I thought I knew about myself. He taught me a greater capacity to love and to be loved. Every day with him was a miracle and a dream come true. Before he came into my life, I didn't know what kind of mom I would be. I wasn't sure I would be a good mom because I'd said for so many years that I didn't even want children. I hope I was a good mom to him and that he felt loved every day of his life. I loved deeper and more than I thought I ever could. I would have gladly taken his place if I could have. I miss him so much. Happy birthday, Caleb. I love you. #CalebIsMyHero #LovedToInfinityAndBeyond

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Hair Donation Time

I've been growing my hair out since Caleb died in 2011 from DIPG so I could donate it. So, 6 years, 3 months and 16 days after his death, I decided to cut it. 14 inches gone! I'll be sending it to
Children With Hair Loss
as soon as it's fully dried. This donation is in your memory, my beautiful son. I love and miss you. Every. Single. Day.
Caleb Is My Hero
to infinity and beyond. #CalebIsMyHero


Monday, January 2, 2017

2016 Recap

The year 2016 was a year of chaos and change for me.

On January 16, 2016, I had a small stroke. I was fortunate that it didn't leave any residual effects, but it was definitely a huge wake-up call for me. I realized I needed to make some changes in my life.

March 25th was the 5th anniversary of Caleb's death. For the first time, we did not do a balloon release. I just couldn't. I didn't see the point in continuing to focus on the day he died. I wanted to celebrate his life, not his death.