Wednesday, December 26, 2018

PET Scan Results & Meeting with Medical Oncologist

We received the initial PET scan results early evening on Christmas Eve through MyChart, which is a portal for patients and providers to keep in contact with each other. Of course, the report was written in doctor speak but some of the words looked kinda scary. Hypermetabolic. Neoplasm. Mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes. Pulmonary nodules. And on and on. Some with measurements and others without.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

First Meeting with Oncology

We met with the radiation oncologist on December 17th. Her name is Dr. Wang (pronounced Wong). She said that because the melanoma had spread from the initial location on Dad’s cheek into the neck, it was definitely Stage 3 melanoma, at a minimum. Dad has to have a full body PET scan to see if it has spread more and so we know exactly what stage we are dealing with and what plan of action to take.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

A New Journey - Another One We Don't Want to Take

We've recently been given some words no one wants to hear. Mass. Cancer. Malignant. Metastatic. Melanoma.  God, how I hate those words. And now, cancer has reared it's nasty head again in my family. This time, it's my dad.