Wednesday, March 9, 2011

MRI Results In -- Not What We Wanted To Hear

I've been struggling with writing this post all afternoon and evening. So, I'll just go through the day from beginning to end. Please bear with me.

Caleb was up several times last night to use the bathroom because he's still on IV fluids. None of us got much sleep. Around 4 a.m., Caleb started getting very agitated and tried to pull his port line out. Richard crawled into bed with him to get him calmed down. We slept until about 6:30 a.m., when the nurse came in. She said that the first MRI of the morning had cancelled and Caleb had been moved to the first slot. The technicians would be in our room to get him in about 20 minutes.

I got dressed and waited for them to come in. Since Caleb was asleep & we had to wake him up, he was NOT a happy camper. He fought, screamed & tried to wiggle himself out of the wheelchair several times. Once we got to Radiology, he calmed down. We got him ready for the MRI & they started at 7:42 a.m. Which was actually quite good news for them so Dr. Winick didn't have to let heads roll. He came directly back to the room when it was completed around 10:30 a.m. and ordered breakfast.

While he was eating breakfast, the floor manager comes to the room to stare at our ceiling (see yesterday's entry if you missed the story behind the ceiling). She said that we would be moving rooms. We told her that we were hoping to be discharged. She said we didn't have to move unless we had to stay another day.

After breakfast, Jennifer (our Child Life Specialist) came by and said that her boss had spoken to the Star Wars folks coming in this weekend to visit the kids. They heard that Caleb's wish for Make-A-Wish is to fight Darth Vader during Star Wars weekend at Disneyworld. They suggested that it might be possible for Caleb to have a "warm-up" fight with Darth Vader this weekend. They plan to be here about 10 a.m. Saturday morning. We will get to meet with them privately before they go the the playrooms. I am so excited for him.

The floor manager came back by about 1 p.m. & told us to pack up cause we were moving rooms. That's how we got notified we were staying another day.

I immediately thought that there was something on the MRI that was causing us to have to stay. We got settled in the new room & Richard took a walk around the hall. While he was gone, he met up with Dr. Winick. She explained that the x-ray they took last night of Caleb's bowels showed that he does have a blockage that has not moved since Friday when we were admitted. They decided the best course of action would be to do a nasal enema (for lack of a better term). He had to have a NG tube inserted through his nose into his stomach. They would then feed straight laxatives through the tube until he poops clear liquid. My, oh my, we are in for a long night.

About 2 p.m., Dr. Leger & Dr. Winick came by to discuss the results of the MRI.  It's not good news.  They are telling us that the tumor has gotten bigger, which means that radiation was not effective and it's growing. Because this is an aggressive growth tumor, we have now been given the official news that we have between a few weeks to a few months left with Caleb. They say that the tumor will continue to progress and Caleb's condition will continue to deteriorate.

We further discussed the other treatment options they gave us at clinic last week. After our discussions, we have decided to go forward with the Avastin. Of the two medicines we discussed, Avastin carries more risk but also has a better hope of success than the Timozolomide. The main concern with the Avastin is that one of the potential serious side affects of Avastin is bleeding in the brain. We've been told that the chance of bleeding is usually around 5-10%.  Because Caleb has already had issues with bleeding, his risk intensifies. They're not sure how much greater that risk is. If bleeding starts, it could be very serious, very quickly. He could start to go downhill within 30 minutes of taking the drug. It could also potentially take his life.

It was not an easy decision to make, but it is the one we feel is in Caleb's best interest. If we do absolutely nothing but make him comfortable, we watch him die a slow and excruciatingly painful death. If we do the Avastin & it does nothing, we're back where we were with doing nothing, but at least we tried. If we do the Avastin & it takes his life, we've saved him from a painful death. If we do the Avastin and it works like they hope, it could potentially save his life by destroying the tumor.

When Caleb saw us crying, he wanted to know why. We told him that his tumor is not getting better. We also said that we were going to try a new medication that we hoped would make him better. We don't know if it will work or not, but we would try. He said, "okay." We are scheduled to have the first treatment of Avastin on Thursday, March 10th -- exactly 5 months from diagnosis.

They left the room and we started calling family.

Around 8 p.m., a couple hours after they got the tube inserted and laxatives flowing, Caleb decided he didn't like the tube any longer and pulled it out! So we decided to wait until tomorrow morning to try again. That way, we can hopefully get some sleep before we start.

While we were waiting for clearance from the doctors to wait until tomorrow morning to start, Caleb asked for a glove Richard had blown up to resemble a chicken. He started sucking on one of the fingers of the glove. When I told him it looked like he was sucking on a pacifier, he asked if he could have a real pacifier. Of course, I told him yes. He said, "I want to get a cool pacifier." I told him that if he could make do with what they had her in the hospital that he could pick out his own when we got discharged from the hospital.

Within minutes of pulling the tube, he had his first accident. He had four or five accidents before he finally fell asleep with his new pacifier in his mouth. He's sleeping peacefully at the moment and doesn't appear to be in any pain, for which I am so thankful.

The news we've received is devastating. Our storm has intensified and is now like a Category 5 hurricane and an F5 tornado all mixed together. The path of devastation is great, but we know our God is, and always will be, the calm at the center of our storm. We turn to Him for comfort and know that He is there. He did not cause this to happen to us. But, we will use it to glorify Him, no matter the outcome.

Thank You, Lord, for allowing us the time that we have with Caleb. It is much shorter than we expected it to be, but we are honored that You chose us for this journey. Help us as we help him.


P.S. Don't forget to leave a comment so we know you're reading. Please remember to put your name if you're commenting as a guest. We're starting to read all your comments to Caleb so he knows how many people care about him and are praying for him.


  1. We are praying for you guys and can not wait to come this weekend! We love you all.

    Uncle Bernie, Aunt Jennifer and Emmanuel

  2. Barb Prasow / Ottawa Ontario CanadaMarch 9, 2011 at 11:57 PM

    I was hoping the news would be good for you and your family.
    I really feel for Caleb. He doesnt deserve this kind of pain and suffering. My heart goes out to him.
    Hold him tight and hang on to the great memories you have and will have. May there be many more happy memories to come.
    I hope he has fun on Saturday fighting with Darth Vader.
    I hope and pray there will be some good news to come for all of you.

  3. With tears in my eyes and pain in my heart, I'm praying for you all. What a tough little dude Caleb is!! Miracles do happen and I'll be asking God to send you one.
    Caleb- hang in there buddy! Hugs from mom and dad always make you feel better.
    Catherine Orr

  4. Please tell Caleb that Braeden and Gillian can't wait to see him when he gets home and they love him.

  5. Hi Caleb, I live on the other side of the world, and I pray for you before bed. You are such a wonderful brave boy, and my little girls and I are so excited that you might get to meet Darth Vader!! How cool is that!! Sometimes God gives us treasures, like gold, and sometimes he gives us people who are worth MORE than gold! Like you, and your little brother, and your Mom and Dad. You are all such special people. Give your Mom and Dad and little brother all a big big bear-hug and tell them you love them very much :). Warm hugs to you Caleb, I pray you will get better very very soon (and I hope you fight Darth Vader and win!). Love and cuddles, Bella xxxxxxxxx

  6. Hi, Caleb - Greetings from Denmark, Europe!
    Hang in there, even though it's tough!
    God LOVES You!!! -and You're in His arms!!!
    We're praying for You!!!
    God's Blessings, Pia

  7. A Beautiful Treasure!
    That's what you are.
    I am actually at a loss of words.

    Hope to see you this weekend.
    Hello Jennifer & Bernie.
    Is Emmmanuel coming? That would definitely make his day!
    Love Aunt Dar.

  8. I am at a loss for words so instead I will pray. I lift Caleb's up in Jesus' name and ask our faithful God for complete healing in Caleb!! I am also on my knees begging God for mercy on sweet little Caleb and on you & Richard. God is good and He is able. God has a plan for His son, Caleb...we just don't know the details of it. I will pray without ceasing.

    Lesley (Braud) Maglapit

  9. Angela,

    Your strength is amazing. I am praying for you, Caleb, and our whole family every day.Strength and peace i pray for you. If you need anything please let me know.

  10. Angela,
    I am on my knees in prayer for you all right now. When we know not what to pray...we pray in the spirit which I know is powerful so that is what I will continue to do! Caleb is such a precious boy yet such a strong fighter. My heart goes out to you today, Angela. I am proud of your strength and hope in the Lord. We will hold you up today!

    I will join you in praisin' through the pain! It's not easy...I actually can't imagine how hard that must be but we are praisin' right along side you. We love you guys.
    -Brett, Andrea, Emma and Noah

  11. Praying for your family. "Keep on fighting the good fight and live life to the fullest." My seven year old daughter is also fighting cancer and this is what she says all the time. We will continue to pray for your family and will add Caleb on our prayer chains.

  12. Caleb, I am a "friend of a friend" of your mother's and want you to know that I am praying so hard for you! You sound like such a sweet boy. I wish I could watch you "fight" Darth Vader on Saturday! I bet you will win! You take care and know that you have yet another person praying for you and your family.
    Marilyn Lambert

  13. Richard, Angela and Caleb, I too am praying for you all. I am believing for miracles in many ways so you know the Lord IS with you. I pray peace for all of you and a sense of God's love and grace as you go through this storm. (Beth Butterbaugh)

  14. I'm praying that with his stripes u are healed by the Grace of God. healing comes in many forms. Whatever God see fit is the victory. U and ur family are in my prayers.

    Friend of a friend
    Charmon Coleman

  15. I don't have the perfect words to say in a time like this, but know that Caleb and your family are very loved and have touched our family more than you know. You have reminded me that time is precious and that children are a gift. I admire your strength and I know you will be okay, even though you may doubt that at times. I hope Caleb has an awesome fight with Darth Vader!
    Love, Amy Hendricks

  16. Angela, I am praying for sweet Caleb: I hope the Lord sees fit to heal his body, let this new medication work.... It is all in the Lords will as we know, and he knows the outcome, but I am praying for healing. Caleb is on so many prayer lists From Texas to Canada... Florida to Cali. as we travel and attend church wherever we are. I pray for calmness and peace in the mist of this battle you, Richard and Caleb are fighting.... Love, Leslye Rene' Turner Albright ♥

  17. I don't have the "right" words to say but I know our loving Father will be with you through all of your battles. I pray God gives you strength and comfort and I pray even more for a miracle.
    Kimberly Runyon Buratt

  18. Caleb, you don't know me, but I read about you all the time through your Aunt on facebook. I think you are a handsome tough little guy and your parents do a wonderful job describing how special a person you really are.
    Let us know how you do with Darth.
    A friend

  19. I am heart sick over your recent news. Your family is in my prayers. I read this scripture this morning and thought of you...
    "...For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion the his afflicted ones" Isaiah 49:13b
    Julie Dickerson

  20. Saying some prayers for your family today. May God be with you.

  21. Angela & Richard,

    You have been the best parents anyone could ask for, and this has not been an easy road you've traveled. I'm praying the medicine works and helps to rid your precious son of this horrible tumor. However, there are worse things than dying, and seeing your child suffer is one of them. If the medicine can't work, at least dear God make Caleb's suffering end fast.


    You are the bravest little boy I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. I wish you success in your your battle with this rotten tumor, and I wish you well against your upcoming battle with Darth Vader. May you be victorious at BOTH!!

    Lots of Love,


  22. Caleb, Richard and Angela, While this news can be frightening and not at all what you want to hear, it is only an earthly doctor's report. We all know our God is the great physician and He can do great and mighty things. We continously pray for all of you to have strength, healing, and to be comforted with God's peace.
    Greg, Debbie, Katy & Jenny

  23. Hello, just wanted to let u guys know that my family will b praying for u all.

    Jessica,Alexus,jade,chelsie and natty!

  24. God is faithful to perform His word. I love you guys. I know it's hard hearing devastating news, but don't give up. I know you must be exhausted, but don't give up. Penny

  25. Kelli, Rick, Cade & Ellie EagleMarch 10, 2011 at 9:25 AM

    Sweet Caleb - you are a true Jedi Knight hero, not only on Saturday against Darth Vader, but as you fight for yourself, your family, and other little boys & girls in the future by bravely using your sword of Avastin, along with God's grace, to help the doctor's learn how to treat this cancer with success!

    Have a great day on Saturday! The Eagle family in Colorado will be cheering you on and praying for you and your family every step of the way!

  26. I am praying for all of you.
    Caleb, you keep fighting. I love you!
    Aunt Pam

  27. ■Megan on March 10th, 2011 9:40 am (Edit)
    You seem like such a strong little man. God has an amazing plan for you!
    We are praying for you here in Irving, TX… just a short 15 min away!!
    May God’s blessings and Mama Mary’s love and peace surround all of you~

  28. Hello - I came to your site from Battle4aCure. Sending prayers and HOPE from Pennsylvania!

  29. I came to your blog from Battle4acure... I am sorry that your family has to endure this Journey. Our journey started 10/09/08. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers, no family should have to experience this.

    In Love, Hope, Faith, Thanks & Prayers,
    Shannon K. Hayes
    'Angel' Laney Bug's Momma

  30. Hi, my name is Wendy and I am a friend of Sydney and Erin. I have been following your journal for the past few months. You all have been in my thoughts & prayers and continue to be. Caleb, you are a brave boy and a good friend to Sydney. I am so happy that you get to fight Darth Vader this weekend, that is so awesome! I pray the medicine works!!!

  31. I could barely finish through the tears in my eyes. Know that we are praying for you Caleb. And I really hope you beat Darth Vader when you get to fight him soon. Tell mom she needs to try and share some pictures of that for us. Will be cheering you on.

    Angela, I remember some time ago you shared the story of your sons coming home. What stood out most in both their stories was your faith and God's ultimate timing. Can't begin to imagine how much you're struggling right now but hold on to that faith once again that God is in control. Praying for comfort and peace for all of you and the right words to continue sharing with Caleb.
    Debbie 'Mann' Brown

  32. Caleb, Connor and I pray for you each night. We send you all our love.
    I know how strong your faith is and I know he is with you all. God has a plan and it is always love.
    Stay strong All my love Dawn

  33. Dear Caleb,

    You do not know me, but I knew your mommy and daddy when you were still in your mommy's tummy. They are very wonderful people. I have been reading about you every day, and praying for you and your family. Your room sounds very cool. I wish there had been stars on the ceiling of my husbands' room when he was in the hospital. Please know my whole family is praying for you!

    Richard and Angela

    Thanks so much for the blog! I wish there was more I could do for you both! Pleas know you are the best parents Caleb could have had! Praying, Yolanda

  34. Dear Caleb: I am a friend of a friend of your family's. I am praying that you know Jesus is with you - because he is. I will read your blog and pray for you every day.

  35. I came across your page just by prayers and thoughts are with your whole family...I am a mother to 2 children ages 13 & 12 and we are a Army family...and I know that it takes strength to be a military "brat" but we also know that it takes even more strength to be a fighter like Caleb...please tell him that Dakota & Madison think he is a Hero and a Fighter just like there dad who just came back from Iraq. If we could give him a medal we would !! Enjoy your practice fight with Darth Vader it sounds like lots of fun :) We will continue to pray for you all.

    Mary , Kenny , Dakota , Madison
    Fort Irwin Army Base, California


  37. Praying for your sweet Caleb & you guys as well. I pray that God will put his healing hands on your sweet precious boy. I pray for peace and comfort for all you. I will add your family to my daily prayers. Take care and be strong. God is amazing and can work miracles.

    With Love through Christ
    The Murr Family from Texas

  38. My heart breaks for you. There are no words to comfort this kind of pain. You are so right to lean on our heavenly Father because it is only through Him that we can weather the storms in this life. My friends, you are in my constant thoughts and prayers. I pray God envelopes you in His peace and comfort and love. I pray that you feel His presence with you in a way you've never experienced before. Tell Caleb that we love him.

  39. You are all in my prayers. May God give you strength to endure the race for nothing is impossible for God!

    Caleb: Keep fighting and know that you are God's Mighty Little Warrior.

    A Co-Worker from Odyssey

  40. I will hug my 4 a little harder today. My hearts breaks for you and tears roll down my face.

    My 2 older children will be excited to hear about your fight with Darth Vader. They LOVE, no are obsessed with Star Wars. Please post pictures so we can see. Lick some Darth Vader butt. May the Force be with you for all your fights.

    Prayers being sent from the John Family in PA...

  41. Love to you all and so looking forward to hearing about the Darth Vader fight :-)

    Love Jacquie

  42. Hi Angela,

    Fight the GOOD FIGHT. Caleb met Natasha at the clinic a few months ago, and shared his hand-held game with her. I hope he remembers her. I know that he is a special boy and I hope he really enjoys the Darth Vader visit. If you recall, we talked about Richard's...uh...foot deficit if I can say:-)

    Dr. Winick is treating my 3 year daughter for cancer and I can tell you she is the very best. She really cares for these kids.

    To Caleb: I have been praying for you Caleb since that first time (and the only time) that we met. My mom prays for you too. We love you and are praying that you have a complete recovery soon so that you can go home and have all of those cool pacifiers!

    To Angela and Richard: I don't have any eloquent words to say. I wish I did. I have tears in my eyes right now but I want to tell you that I do have my belief in God, I do have my faith in His word that He will never leave nor forsake us, I do have an understanding that He will not put more on us than we can bear. I pray that you and your family remain in His grace and that God grants Caleb a healing miracle.

    Yours in Christ,
    Marilynn Green

  43. Caleb - our family is praying for you! Now make sure you give Darth Vader a good fight!

  44. Angela and Richard I am praying for the Great Lord to grant you much strength and courage. I just heard Caleb's story and automatically feel so much love for you and your family. Please know that me and my family will be praying for all of you.

    With tears in my eyes and sadness in my heart,
    Nina Mendoza
    Dallas, Texas

  45. Been following your trial all along. Praying today for God's presence to be powerful.
    Zephaniah 3:17 - "The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."

    Judy Singletary (Chas's stepmom)
    St Amant, LA

  46. Flame
    Im really lost for words to say at this moment; With my deepest Im believing God for a Miraculous Miracle for Caleb healing, and God continues to comfort Richard and Angela durning thest moments...Caleb Izzeria,Ijanae,Lajarilyn says they praying for you and loves you!

  47. Angela, I'm sorry to hear of the diagnosis, and truly understand your pain. I think you and Richard are very courageous in choosing to start the new treatment even with the risk, and know that your Faith in God will guide you through this. I am continiually praying for Caleb and the rest of the family. Also, tell Caleb to stay strong and kick Darth Vaders butt...

    Tori Floyd Siears

  48. Caleb...your family loves you sooooo are such a special, courageous, kind, loving, sweet lil boy..I remember your grandmother, Cora coming to her p.o. office visit letting us know about you and your journey..We are praying for you...You are not alone...God, your family and friends are with you...Look to the Lord for your comfort..All things are possible through Christ Jesus...keep smiling are the apple of your families eyes...Jennifer & Suzanne with Dr. Hirsch's office

  49. I'm sorry to hear about about caleb, my thoughts and prayers are with you from Albany, Louisiana. Oh and I am sure Caleb will defeat Vader!!
    -Amanda Vogt Kreeger (brandon vogt's older sister)

  50. May God bless y'all with His love, comfort and peace as you face each new day. I too have a son named Caleb. My Caleb is 28. Tell your Caleb he has a special place in my heart just because he shares the same name as m son. I will be praying for You.
    Hugs and love, Jamie Lee

  51. Angela and Richard,
    We, and several co-workers are praying for Caleb and you guys! What awesome faith you are living out during this extraordinary difficult time!

    Caleb - give Darth Vader a kick from me too

    Praying for a healing miracle!
    Rusty and Linda Gray

  52. Caleb Richard and Angela

    Im lost for words! I wish I could take his spot from him, I would and have no regrets at all doing it.My heart and prayers go to yall sooo much!
    Tell Caleb "We dont know you but you sounds like a soldier and just hang in there lil buddy, also we are praying for u morning and night!

    Jade and Bryan Guillot
    Baton Rouge, Louisiana

  53. richard&angela&caleb,

    you are all in my prayers and i hope caleb beats this dreadful tumor. i know how hard it is to watch your sweet baby suffer as i did but in very different ways but GOD will see you through all this pain and sorrow this i know for sure from experience. love to you all and keep the faith the best you can....terri lynn

  54. I am praying for you Caleb.... you are a very brave boy!! You are in my thoughts and prayers. You have people all over the world praying for you ! You will win this battle!!!!

  55. Caleb, Richard and Angela,
    I follow your blog regularly. I only knew Caleb briefly through car rider line at the HB. I devote our moment of silence at school daily to you and your family hoping to send you the needed strength. You are have been so brave and positive throughout this storm. God Bless you and your family.

  56. Even though I do not know you ... I was told about Caleb through a friend who grew up with Angela (Monica Nickens). She requested that I put Caleb in my prayers and I have forwarded to an awesome group of prayer warriors!! May God give you all the peace and strength that only comes from HIM. Caleb you are such an inspiration of pure honest simplicity and all of us grown ups can learn from you :) Good Luck in your "sword fight" with Darth Vader !!

    Denise Ramagos
    Westside Community Church
    Addis, Louisiana

  57. Caleb,
    You sound like such a strong an amazing young man! I know there are things that you don't like in the hospital and I'm sure you just want to be left alone by doctors. When it gets tough remember that your mom, dad & doctors are just trying to do what is best for you.
    You are a fighter, strong and courageous even more then Darth Vader! You can win any fight that comes your way. When your nights are hard and your upset remember you have a daddy Jesus that you can call on! You two together make a great team that can overcome any battle!
    Know that there are people that have not even met you that love you and are praying for you. You are an inspiration buddy!! Stay Strong!

  58. Hi My name is Ms. Lee Gore from Alexander City, Al. I want to know that my heart is with you. Caleb, I also want you to know that there are hundreds of people out here praying just for you. From Texas, to Alabama, to New York, to New Jersey, to Mississippi. See, we know that we all belong to a loving God and He is a God that hears our prayers. With the love of Jesus Christ Always in my heart, I will contiune to pray for you. Oh yes, were praying for your Mommy and Daddy too.
    Love from Alabama.
    Ms. Lee Gore

  59. Hi Caleb, Angela and Richard,
    My name is Irene and I am your Nana Rita's friend. I just want to tell you
    that I am praying to St Jude and lighting a candle in your names. He is the saint of difficult cases and he will take care of you. When my son was born he was very sick and we all prayed to St Jude and he is now 26 years old. Feel a hug from me and just remember I am going to always pray for, Irene Maldonado, San Antonio, Texas

  60. I've had you guys on my heart all day, praying. You are an amazing family being used of God. You have touched many, many people...some you will never meet... with Caleb's journey. We serve a mighty God who is STILL in control.
    Love, Vonnie Walker

  61. The VICTOR you will be ! Praying for you & your family daily . The Morgan Family in Ohio : )

  62. Thank you to all the people who have come to know Caleb and his family. Your continued prayers are a comfort to all of us.

    Caleb, Grandpa and I will be there to see you fight Darth Vader and cheer you on to victory.

    Angela and Richard, give each other a hug and kiss from us and each of you give our grandson a hug and kiss from us.

    Love, Mom

  63. Praying for you Caleb. Stay strong buddy.

    DeEtte (Brignac) Jolin

  64. You all are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Caleb I am a teacher at Hackberry who has also spent many days up at Children's Hospital the past few months. My little grandson also sees
    Dr. Leger and we just know you couldn't be in better hands. Please give Dr. Leger a hug from Jackson when you see her again. Take care and hope you win the Star Wars Battle on Saturday! Go Team Caleb!! Love to you and your family. From Mrs. Negron, third teacher at Hackberry

  65. Caleb, Caden, Angela and Richard...

    There are no words that I could possibly say to comfort or help you in any way, but I just wanted you to know I am here praying for you all and for Caleb's healing. My heart and mind have been occupied most of the day with the new choices you're having to make. Please know that I am wishing the best for you all. If there is anything I can do for you... an errand, a task, whatever... please don't hesitate to ask. Good luck with the battle with Darth Vader, Caleb! I'm sure it will be a breeze for you, oh mighty warrior! :)

  66. Hello Richard, Angel & Caleb,
    I wanted you to know that there are lots of prayer warriors praying for you all. I personally pray for you daily. I am a friend of your Aunt Jennifer and I know she adores you so that tells me you are an awesome boy! I am thrilled you get to fight Darth Vader!! COOL!! Show him how to do it right!
    You will continue to be in our hearts and prayers.
    Brenda Lulu Birdwell
    Marthaville, LA

  67. About a month ago I found a comment on a facebook page about Caleb and since have been following his progress. I pray for him everyday and post for prayers on facebook. My heart goes out to you all and I pray this new treatment will make him feel better. Please give Caleb and big hug from all of us in Canada and tell him the world loves him!
    May god be with you all and keep Caleb safe. God Bless XXOO

  68. Angela,
    You are a wonderful example of God's strength in a mommy. I can't imagine your pain friend. What a holy calling to minister to your sweet boy as he walks through this. Know you are loved beyond measure and prayed for by many. God loves your baby boy even more. I'm sorry for your pain. Praying with you.
    Sheila Wolfe

  69. Caleb, Angela, Richard: Take comfort that so many people are lifting you all up in prayer. The way your family loves God and loves each other teaches us all the true meaning of life.
    Caleb, make sure you get a good one in on Darth Vader for Brandon.
    George Vogt

  70. I really don't have much to say. Just that I hope your son get better and he will be prayed for. God knows exactly what he is doing and he will bring you and your whole family through it. Be strong and stay Blessed.

  71. Hi Angela. I am praying for you ALL and pray God will be done and that he shows his will quickly so you know answers to your may questions. I cannot even imagine what you are going through but your faith is so strong. YOU are so strong!
    Much love to you all!
    Ashley Bell

  72. Caleb, Darth Vader doesn't stand a chance tomorrow! "Swift may your light saber be." (Yoda) I know my little boy would love to see all of the Star War characters too. His favorite is General Grevous, I think. May the force be with you, you Jedi Knight you!! You do know that the Force is really God. May the Force be with your family too.

    Joni Orr

  73. Hello, My name is Sarah. I now live in florida but my family used to be neighbors with Mr Andy, Mrs deanna and the kids. And ofcourse big Mr Andy and Mrs Kitty. I have been reading through your familys journey as the days go by too quickly. My heart broke when I read I will continue praying for caleb and your family. Caleb is definitely a strong boy. He nor anyone in your family deserve any of this. But he sure is lucky to have such an amazing supportive family. I wish the best of luck for u guys. I hope the new treatment works miracles!

  74. I am praying for a miracle and if nothing else, peace. My heart and prayers go out to all of you that know and love Caleb.

    Stephanie Hedderich

  75. My prayers are with you and your family in this difficult time. I'm praying for a miracle and peace for you sweet boy.

  76. A friend of mine posted a prayer request for Caleb on her Facebook page. I saw the link for this site and read your most recent updates. I immediately said a prayer of healing for Caleb and for strength and comfort for all of you. I will continue to pray for God's healing hands to be on Caleb. I am going to pass along a prayer request to my Sunday school class to lift Caleb up in prayer.

    Megan Boukadoum (Aledo, TX)

  77. Caleb, you do not know me but I have heard about your brave fight to get better! You are such a special boy and God loves you so much. I have shared your story with about 40 other people and all of them and I are praying for you and your Mommy and Daddy and the rest of your family. Marsha Hanks, Dadeville, AL

  78. my friend holly engle posted a prayer request. i read some of your blog. i will lift you up in prayer. good luck with darth vader.
    gods love, laura egli

  79. I know the news is not what you wanted to hear but you know that God is in control and you have litteraly thousands of people praying for our sweet Caleb and your family.

    I have shared your story with the group that presented Caleb with the blanket. I hope the blanket gave him some comfort during these difficult times.

    I cannot even imagine how you are getting through this journey but I know your faith is so strong and God is in control.

  80. Caleb~ My friend Tamy Youngblood told me about you, I am on a praying team for you and your family. I have a little girl just your age, and it breaks my heart what you are going through, but God is in control and he has the power to eliminate this situation, Have faith. I was on my way to class at college yestarday after reading the e-mail about you, and I just starting crying and felt God wanted me to start praying for you, so I did, all the way to school...i turned off my radio and forgot about traffic and the major test I had to take, and I just started praying. over this whole journey your on. There is a reason and you may not see it right now, but you will when you get older. You are a special gift, one God will use in the future. Just follow him all the days of your life! You wont be disappointed. Just to let you know, I told the teachers at my college about you, and they said they'de be praying too. Bless you son of God. We are all pulling for you in Austin, Tx.

  81. My heart is breaking for you guys! I have been out of touch for about a week and am just catching up. Caleb is so special and is loved by so many! Know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers everyday! We love you guys!
    Nancy Penrod

  82. I found your blog through your friend, Debbie, who had posted the link on her blog. I am so very sorry for all you are going through, especially your precious son, Caleb. Our thoughts, prayers and positive, healing energy are being sent Caleb's way... and 'May the Force be with You' (StarWars reference). God bless.

    With Hope, Prayers & Faith,

  83. Angela, I don't know what to heart is breaking & I want to make it all better. I read your posts and am praying.

    Oh, sweet Caleb, you are the apple of your Father's (Abba Father) eye...He rejoices over you with singing...the angels in heaven dance...and you are loved, so dearly loved...

    Standing in the gap in prayer,
    Wendy Purdin

  84. You all have such strength that I greatly admire. In all this, remembering that to God be the glory! Caleb, I don't know you but your family are near to my heart, and I will be praying for you everyday! I love y'all, if just for your strength in the Lord. It is strange to see that written from a stranger, I'm sure, but God really laid that on my heart. To let you know you're loved, even by anonymous people. :) He is great to bring you all of these wonderful people to pray and I pray that His will be done and all of this be as painless as possible for Caleb.
    - Danae Blessing

  85. Also, Caleb, please know that God is holding you in his arms. He is hugging you and loving on you everyday. :)
    - Danae Blessing

  86. We are all praying for you and your precious family. I know what you are going through all to well and it breaks my heart. I pray for God to surround you with his grace and peace. Caleb has touched so many lives.
    Much love,
    Co-Founder Heroes for Children

  87. Why is no one praying for a miracle for him and just accepting it? I don't mean to sound critical, but come on people, we serve a God who is STILL in the miracle business...Oh my Father God, I come before you, with tears in my eyes, with sincerity, I am asking you to touch this child and give him a miracle, nothing short will do...Father, you are the God over cancer and ALL diseases!!! You took the strikes for Calebs healing (AND ALL THE CHILDREN, HIS FRIENDS, REMEMBER THEM TOO) Father, Caleb has a spiritual name, a strong true warrior! Allow this child to live a healthy life and astonish EVERYONE with his healing! Father you said that By your stripes we are healed, that you heal ALL our diseases and forgive all our sins. This child knows no sin...but Lord, still bring healing....I know you can and will do it Father...I know that you STILL heal, deliver and set free. Lay your healing hand upon him, Lord and lift him up out of this place of death...I speak LIFE over his body, that EVERY cell of death disappear out of his body and he be restored to new, in Jesus name I pray....FAMILY KEEP THE FAITH WITH ME< THIS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THE END...TRUST GOD...HE IS ABLE...LOve and prayers..hang in there Caleb, little man of God....Connie Wagner

  88. Richard and Angel....My heart breaks for you this morning. Your Nana Rita just called me and told me the sad news of Caleb's battle. My love and prayers for you and your whole family. I am so sad for you. May God grant you peace in your hearts and love to help you through this. And as our faith promises you will see Caleb again. My love and prayers...Irene Maldonado
