Monday, March 25, 2013

Reason to Celebrate

Caleb, you are on my mind more than ever today. You've been gone from us for 2 years, and it seems like so very much longer. I'm trying so hard to imagine what you are doing today. Do you get to have a party/celebration for the anniversary of your entrance into Heaven?

It's difficult for me to imagine that I could ever "celebrate" you being gone. At the same time, I can rejoice that you are with Jesus. He has wiped every tear from your eyes and removed all pain from your body. THAT gives me reason to celebrate. As much as I want you here with me, I would never want you in that much pain again.

So, today, I will do my best to celebrate your life. I will look at pictures. I will watch videos of you. I will hold memories of you close. I will miss you. I will love you with all my heart. I will remember. I will smile. I will cry. But most of all, I will look forward to the day we are together again in Heaven in the presence of God.

We still miss Caleb every moment of every day. He is always in our hearts, always in our thoughts, and is loved today, tomorrow, in ALL ways to infinity and beyond.

Angel, Richard & Caden

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