Thursday, February 21, 2019

Heart Cath Results

Dad was feeling a bit weak yesterday morning and actually requested a wheelchair when they first arrived at the Cath Lab for his heart catheterization.

He went to the prep room just after 11 a.m. and was taken back to the surgery room around 12:50 p.m. Mom said they actually started the procedure about 1:10 p.m. She went to get something to eat while waiting. They finished around 2:30 p.m. and began the wait for the doctor. There was a bit of miscommunication between parties that led to an inaccurate assumption on our part, but was communicated more clearly later in the day. Basically, Dad didn't hear it correctly while still under the influence of the anesthesia and relayed inaccurate info to Mom which was sent to me and then to my brothers. I was quite concerned with what was relayed and was relieved to find out later that it wasn't as bad as I thought.

This is one of the main reasons I like to relay things in stages - so nothing is misunderstood. I still haven't had a chance to listen to the actual talk with the doctor (we record the meetings), but will relay any pertinent information that may not be included now.

Dr. Gadi was kind enough to show us a diagram of Dad's heart showing where the blockages are and how bad they are.

My current understanding is that they are not doing anything with the 40% blockage at this time. A stent was placed where the 80% blockage is. They were unable to access the area with the 100% blockage. He will have to undergo an additional procedure where they will drill through/chip away the blockage so they can place a stent there as well. No bypass surgery is needed at this time. Dr. Lindsay's office will take care of scheduling the next procedure and will let us know when it will be.

Dad was still having breathing difficulties, and they decided to admit him for the night. He was finally able to leave the Cath Lab after shift change around 7:20 p.m. and sent to a room upstairs. Chris, Chas & Deanna were already there when Caden and I arrived with a blanket and pillow for Mom. This may be one of the few times where they know more about what's going on than I do. LOL

This morning Dad started coughing up blood in his sputum and his blood pressure was fluctuating. The nurse practitioner thinks the blood is coming from the remnants of pneumonia so we will monitor it and the blood pressure fluctuations from home. There are come changes in his medications that should help with the blood pressure issue and a change of cholesterol medication to manage the 40% blockage. He is scheduled to be released sometime this afternoon.

Please be in prayer that his blood pressure stabilizes to a more normal range and the coughing situation resolves quickly.


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