My sweet Caleb. Nineteen years ago at this time, I was eagerly awaiting your birth. We were getting ready to head to the hospital for D. to be induced. I remember it all so very clearly. When you were finally born at 9:21pm, I was so blessed to be in the delivery room. The doctor handed me the scissors to cut your umbilical cord, literally severing the connection between you and D. and joining you to me. When he tried to place you in her arms, she said, "I'm not his mom, she is. Give him to her." Then she pointed at me. I will never be able to thank her enough for making me a mom. Though you were only with us for a very short 5 years, every day was filled with your joy and laughter. You introduced me to a type of love I had never experienced before - the love of a mother. Today, I will celebrate your birth. I will celebrate your life. I will celebrate you. You are greatly loved and greatly missed. Happy 19th birthday in Heaven. I love you to infinity and beyond and always will. #LovedToInfinityAndBeyond #Calebismyhero
Happy Birthday in Heaven Caleb! We miss you bunches. I love what you shared today, Angel. Hugs to all of you.
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