Friday, October 22, 2010

One Day at a Time

We are now on Day 3 of radiation treatment. It does seem to be getting a little easier. At least he didn't wake up yelling, "I'm hungry. Give me something to eat NOW!" He just asked if he could have donuts after treatment. He's finally starting to understand that he can't eat until his treatment is over.  He's also been much more alert the past couple of days.

Yesterday, we were able to take him to his school to visit his teachers & classmates. The kids were all so excited to seem that they were jumping up and down. He got a bit overwhelmed with all the commotion, but he did smile quite a bit & I think it took his mind off things for a while.  When we finished at the school, we came back home & ate lunch. After lunch, he napped for about 1.5 hours -- much shorter than the 3+ hours we've been having.  He also stayed up until 6:30pm before he crashed for the night. That was much better because then he was able to sleep through the entire night in his bed!  Woohoo! Mommy got 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep!

Caden is on his way home from Gma's house. Caleb has really missed having his brother around for the past 2 weeks.  It will be good to have them both together again.

We met with the oncologist again today. He mentioned that the latest MRI they have shows some bleeding in the tumor. This MRI was taken the day before radiation began. He said that it looked like "old" blood & doesn't appear to still be bleeding actively. They will have to wait & see what the MRI in December shows. If it shows any sign of bleeding, Caleb won't be able to continue in the study because the medication added at time would be too dangerous for him.  We're praying all bleeding stops & there are no signs in any future MRI scans.


  1. Angela,

    You and your whole family are in my daily thoughts and prayers. What a wonderful idea making a place where we can keep up on how this ordeal is going for you all.

    Much love,


  2. What a strong young man he is to be handling all this so well. Praying for the bleeding to no longer be there so he can continue in the study.

    Debbie (Mann) Brown

  3. What a wonderful idea to post this blog to keep your family and friends updated. Prayer is powerful, and now we can pray on specific areas that arise and praise and thank God when He answers the prayers we lift up to him. We think of you, Richard and Caleb daily and pray for you at different times during the day. Although we are separated by distance know that you are always in our thoughts. God is certainly opening doors for you and your family. That you are able to be together as a family speaks Volumes and shows us that God is still in complete control. Give Caleb a hug for us and tell him we love him. We've not forgotten Caden, give him a hug and tell him we love him too. I know you are glad to have him home. Take care of each other and keep in touch. Hope to see you soon.
    Love you all,
    Karen, Larry, and family

  4. Absolutely LOVE this! Great idea guys. Got it bookmarked on my phone. Keep your faith in Jesus and your eyes on God. He is the the true source of healing and peace.


  5. Caleb,
    We are behind you all the way little man.. Angela you and your family our in my thoughts and prayers. One day and one step at a time..

