Monday, January 17, 2011

Back to the ER AGAIN!

Caleb had been doing better over the weekend. He'd gotten up to 8 hours between pain medication doses and was walking from the kitchen to the living room almost totally by himself.

This morning, he seemed a bit more sleepy than usual, but I figured he was just tired. He was not eating as much, but I chalked it up to the reduction in steroids and his appetite leveling off again.  Around 2 pm, he mentioned that he was breathing fast again. Since he'd just eaten, I figured he ate too much again. About 4:45 pm, I woke him up to get ready for dinner. He said his breathing was still fast. I went to check him and he seemed unusually hot. Temp checked at 101.7 F.  Called the clinic & waited. While waiting, we tried to get him to eat dinner -- jambalaya, which is one of his favorites.  He didn't want to eat anything.  An hour later, temp checked again at 101.8 F. Called clinic back since we hadn't heard from them yet, which is very unusual in itself.

Our doctor called back, we told her what was going on, she said bring him to the ER. They'll check his bloodwork & do another CT to check the status of any swelling.  Richard took him & I'm at home with Caden.

On the bright side, he hasn't complained of his head hurting all day & hasn't had any strong pain meds since 3 am. He had Tylenol at 7:30 am, but nothing since.

Guess I'll go pack a bag, just in case.


  1. I'm sorry he's not feeling too well today, hopefully it's nothing too serious. I'll keep checking to see how he's doing.

    Love & Prayers,


  2. We are praying for him. God is good and ya'll know that so he's going to be o.k. We did miss ya'll at Church and were thinking about you!
