Thursday, January 20, 2011

We're Home!!

We got discharged this afternoon and are now resting at home. It's good to have all of us together under our own roof again.  Docs were able to drain a little out of the cyst before they hit a blood clot. We're home for the weekend and will go back on Monday for another (quick) MRI to see how things look. As long as Caleb's not vomiting or complaining of stronger headaches, we should be okay. If he starts either of those items, we have to call the neurology clinic for instructions. That could potentially mean another stay in the hospital with surgery.

So, we're praying for improvement with no headaches or vomiting.

Thanks so much everyone! We love and appreciate each and every one of you for praying for us through this time.



  1. So glad you were able to bring him home for the weekend at least. Hoping and praying you all get a break, and poor Caleb starts feeling MUCH better!!!

    Lots of Love,


  2. Hello Angela. My name is Katie, we met tonight when you were leaving the restaurant. I like to write about things that inspire me. I have read through your posts and they made me cry on more than one occasion. Normally I write about war survivors and tell their stories, but with your permission I would love to be able to write Caleb's story. Please let me know if that would be alright and you have my prayers. He is a strong child and God is with him in everything he has to go through.

  3. So glad you all are home! It's such a good place to be! We will be praying in agreement with you. Lots of love to you and to Caleb and Caden!! Hope to see you again soon.

  4. Hi, I'm Josh and Amie Maberry's mom. Just want to say Hi and let you know that I am praying for your son. God is able.
