Thursday, September 1, 2011

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month 2011 - Day 1


It's time for me to do my part to spread the word. Funding is desperately needed to keep other families from going through the heartache and heartbreak we have. So, it's time for my big month of "Awareness" plugs to my followers. Hopefully, they will pass it on and help spread the word, too. Together, we can make a difference and maybe even save a life!

And now, for our scheduled Public Service Announcement:

  • Each school day, 46 children are diagnosed with cancer
  • Each day, 7 children DIE from cancer (Caleb was one of them)
  • One in 320 children will develop cancer by age 20
  • Cancer remains the number one disease killer of children; more than genetic anomalies, cystic fibrosis, and AIDS combined
  • The overall incidence rate for childhood cancers has increased significantly by almost 33% during the period 1975 to 2001
  • Cancer treatment can cause serious side effects that may last a lifetime
  • DIPG, an aggressive brain-stem tumor seen in children, has NO known cure. It is 100% fatal. (This is the type of tumor Caleb had.)
  • Neuroblastoma is the most comon solid tumor in children, there is no known cure for relapsed neuroblastoma, cure rates for children over the age of 1 at diagnosis are less than 50%.
  • Relapsed Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia carries a poor prognosis, 10%-50% survival
  • Leukemia is the most common form of cancer in children
  • Every year since 2003 federal funding for childhood cancer research has been CUT.


The gold ribbon is the symbol for childhood cancer awareness, September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

These are just a few of the children who have been diagnosed with cancer. Some have just started their fight, some are in the midst of the battle, and some have finished their journey.

Please help make a difference in the life of a child. For more information on how YOU can help, go to Cure Search.

Also, Caleb's memorial fund is still set up at Children's Hospital in Dallas. All donations made to his fund are being directed to the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders (CCBD) where Caleb was treated. The wonderful CCBD staff is helping to save lives every day. I applaud their efforts and say, "Thank You!"

Please make checks payable to: Children's Medical Center
(in the memo space put: "in memory of Caleb Huffines")

You can send donations to:
Children's Medical Center
Attn: Kathy Friend
2777 Stemmons Frwy Suite 700
Dallas, TX 75207

Thank you!
Angela, Richard & Caden

Caleb, you are always in our hearts and loved to infinity and beyond!

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