Friday, September 2, 2011

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month 2011 - Day 2

My sweet Caleb,

Wow! This is harder than I thought it was going to be and it's only Day 2 of the month. I'm reading stories of other children who are fighting cancer and it breaks my heart daily, especially the DIPG kids. As I read about where they are in their journey, I remember us going through the same things with you. It still hurts to remember, but I have to do it. If there is ANYTHING I can do to keep another family from going through this, I want to do it.

On that note, here's today's PSA...


Are you aware? Please help spread the word. Would you do it if it were YOUR child that had cancer? Each year around 13,500 children are diagnosed with cancer in the US. Approximately EVERY 3.5 MINUTES, a child is diagnosed with some form of cancer WORLDWIDE and the unfortunate news is -- it could be your child. Just saying "it won't happen" won't keep it from happening. We never thought it could happen to us, but it did.

Wondering how you can help?
If you use some type of social media, use it to get the word out. Tell a friend or family member (or both). Change your profile pic for the month of September to a gold ribbon or a picture of a child with cancer. Operation Gold 4 Kids on Facebook has an entire album with over 170 pictures that parents have submitted to be used by the public to raise awareness. Donate some money to an organization that supports research and funding. Here are a few...

Wipe Out Kids' Cancer - Dedicated to raising awareness and funding for pediatric cancer research on a national basis. They have raised over $4 million in the crusade against pediatric cancer and spent over 30 years developing programs to not only fight childhood cancer, but to also provide hope and support to kids and families dealing with cancer. WOKC provided us with a small suitcase (free of charge) full of hospital necessities when Caleb was first diagnosed and admitted to the hospital on October 10, 2010.

CureSearch for Children's Cancer - Believes that only research can cure children's cancer. Your support helps fund lifesaving, collaborative research at children's hospitals across the nation, providing patients with global expertise at their local hospital.

My friend, Staci, has set up a fundraising page in Caleb's memory with Alex's Lemonade Stand. ALS says, "Our mission is simple: to raise money for and awareness of childhood cancer causes—especially research into new treatments and cures—and to encourage and empower others, especially children, to get involved and make a difference for children with cancer."  Your donation of $50 will fund one hour of research. They've made donations so simple that you can also text “LEMONADE E76598” to 85944 to make a $10 donation!

And as I mentioned yesterday, Caleb's memorial fund is set up at Children's Hospital of Dallas.

Thank you.
Richard, Angela & Caden

Caleb, you are always in our hearts and loved to infinity and beyond!

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