We started with going out to breakfast and having donuts. We'd told Caden how much you liked the white sprinkled and pink sprinkled donuts. Caden much prefers the chocolate ones. Of course, he loves just about anything chocolate. I still have trouble believing you never really liked chocolate. Anyway, Caden decided he would have white & pink sprinkled donuts this morning since those were your favorites. He still wanted his chocolate milk to go with it.
For a little boy who normally eats every single bit of donuts and wants more, Caden got full sooner than normal. Surprisingly, he actually ate them more the way you used to - eating all the frosting and sprinkles and then some of the donuts. That was something I had never told him. And, I didn't tell him that until after he was done eating this time.
After breakfast, we came home and played on the Wii for a bit. Super Mario Galaxy 2 was the game of the morning. We turned it off after a couple hours. It is amazing how time flies when you're having fun playing a game together. I didn't even realize we'd played that long.
We went to the store to buy the balloons for the balloon release after dinner. I ordered them and made plans to pick them up at 5:00 p.m. Since there's a chance Gma and Nana will be here, I got extra balloons. This year, we'll have a full rainbow and 5 gold balloons.
I also had to get 2 extra blue balloons because Caden still doesn't want to send all the balloons to you. He wants to keep a couple to remember you. He actually still has the two balloons he kept from March's balloon release. They're looking kinda rough, but still have a small bit of air in them. He keeps them on the shelf in his closet so the cat won't mess with them.
When Gma and Nana arrived, we took the balloons to the back yard, took several pictures, said a few words each, and released the balloons. Caden decided at the last minute that he did want to release a couple of them himself. When we did the release in March, he didn't really even want to be outside with us. So, that's a small step in the right direction.
After the release, we went inside for dinner. Dinner/dessert plans changed slightly from what I had planned. I planned fried shrimp and french fries with pineapple upside down cake for dessert. We ended up having the shrimp with tater tots instead. And the cake was a total bust. I just couldn't bring myself to make it for some reason. I'm still trying to figure out why. So, when I went to the store to get the balloons, I bought some Angry Bird cupcakes and ice cream for dessert instead.
While we were at the store, Caden says, "Mom, did Caleb ever like to have dessert-first nights?"
"Yes, Caden. He certainly did."
"Well, I think since we're celebrating Caleb's birthday, we should also have dessert first tonight."
And, we did.
We all miss you so very much. Not a day goes by that we don't think of you or talk about you. You are so very loved. Happy Birthday, my sweet, sweet boy.

We still miss Caleb every moment of every day. He is always in our hearts, always in our thoughts, and is loved today, tomorrow, in ALL ways to infinity and beyond.
Angel, Richard & Caden
Generally, just like you I also like to celebrate birthdays with family only, but this time I am thinking to plan for a big birthday party for my son at best halls in Los Angeles. Share your some suggestions here for me to make party enjoyable for everyone.