Friday, January 25, 2019

He's Finally Home!

Dad was finally released from the hospital late yesterday afternoon! However, there has been one new development. Dad is now on oxygen 24/7. He has been unable to keep his oxygen saturation level above 90 without oxygen. Mom and I think it has less to do with the pneumonia, and more to do with the emphysema they noted on his PET scan. Dad says, "I don't have emphysema. I have not been diagnosed with it by a doctor."  Mom scheduled an appointment with his primary care doctor so the doctor can tell Dad that he officially has emphysema. He also has to see a cardiologist and a pulmonologist. While he was in the hospital, his heart rate would elevate to the 140s while resting. They believe it is just from the extra stress on his heart from the pneumonia and the melanoma treatment, but they want him fully evaluated before making a firm decision on that. The appointment with the cardiologist is on January 30th. Still working on scheduling with a pulmonologist.

We're working on getting Dad a portable oxygen machine called Inogen. It creates its own O2 and isn't as restrictive as a regular O2 tank. With the Inogen, he will probably still be able to drive for escort work. Our hope is that Medicare will cover part of the cost so it isn't as much out of pocket for Mom and Dad.

He looks and sounds so much better this morning than he has all week. I can not express how good it felt to get up for work this morning, go inside, and see him sitting at the kitchen bar doing paperwork. Such a normal sight. So missed over the past week. Even with the oxygen tank sitting next to him.

The current O2 tank/machine is fairly quiet. The tubing is tremendously long and can reach all around the house without having to move the tank/machine. One of the three cats (Honey Bear) is freaked out by the tubing running through the house and has been scared to come out of the bedroom. Mom and I are concerned Target may decide to chew on the tubing because that damn cat eats ANYTHING! Meanwhile, Candy just continues to meow and beg for food and petting. Nothing unusual there. LOL

Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we continue this journey.


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