Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm Loving the Good Days!

Another fabulous day today. Caleb actually slept until almost 8am this morning! He ate a normal-sized breakfast then watched cartoons for a while.

We went to his football team's end-of-year BBQ at the park around 1:30pm. Caleb stayed for an hour before he got too tired. He had a great time seeing all his football friends and coaches. We even got him to climb to the top of the play equipment & go down the slide once.  It took him a bit to do it, but even a little exercise is good right now.

We came home and took naps, then went out to dinner with my parents.  Caleb was excited about going to Red Lobster for dinner because we kept telling him how good the cheese biscuits are. After he had one, he was disappointed because he expected them to have more cheese in them than they did. He ate well and crashed in the van on the way home.

He told his dad before he fell asleep that he wasn't sure he wanted to go to church on Sunday, so we're going to let him sleep in and get some extra rest. He's had a HUGE weekend so far.

Time to set the clocks back and hit the sack. Good night everyone and thanks again for praying for us through this time.

Lord, Your grace is sufficient for us. In our weakness, You make us strong. You pick us up when we fall. You encourage us every step of the way. We thank and praise You for the healing in Caleb's body. You are our all in all!


  1. What wonderful news! We are daily praying for Caleb's healing and strength and peace for your entire family.

  2. So glad to see that he is doing more and enjoying it...and don't feel bad about him being tired and only being able to do things for short periods of time. My dad is the same way right now...he will do as much as he feels he can handle and then goes in to take a nap...after an hour or two, he's back at it...he may take a few naps a day...some days he doesn't need to nap as much and other he may just stay in bed all day. Continuing to say prayers for Caleb and the family.

  3. We love and appreciate the Huffines. We rejoice in Caleb's healing.

  4. I'm SO glad that things are continuing to look up for all of you! Just shows the power of prayer, and the fact that you're all loved by so MANY!

    Lots of Love,
