Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rainy, Sleepy Day

Caleb had a really rough night last night. Several bad dreams and lots of tossing and turning. As such, he was pretty cranky today, but totally understandable.  He fussed about taking his meds at 4:30am, didn't want to go to treatment & fussed when he got home & realized he couldn't eat anything until 10:30am (snack time). That's because we've also cut back the amount of food he's getting since we've been lowering the steroid dose.

Once he had his snack & 10:30am meds, he wanted to take a nap and asked if one of us would nap with him. I gladly volunteered since I was awake through all the talking in his sleep as well as his awake time! We got into the bedroom and he says, "Mommy, I'm really tired and cranky."  I told him the best thing for that was sleep.  As I was straightening up the sheets, I was singing a worship song and he says to me, "Mommy, you're one of the bestest singers."  I love that child so much. Then we snuggled up and went to sleep.

We woke up at 12:30pm, just in time for meds & lunch. He balked at the meds again, but finally took them. Then, he decided to watch a little TV.

I went to pick up Caden at 2pm & Caleb was still awake when I got home at 2:30pm, so that was pretty good. We had afternoon snack at 3:30pm and he decided he wanted to take another nap. He was only in his room for about 15 minutes before he came back out again. He sat on the couch, Caden walked over to him & Caleb kicked him saying, "I don't want him near me." I told him he could go right back to his room and that kicking was totally unacceptable. I even maintained my temper!  He decided to straighten up and play with Caden instead. They played for about 30 minutes before Caleb started asking for dinner. That child has a one-track mind and it always seem stuck on food! I'll be so glad when we are done with the steroids (and so will my grocery bill)!

He ate a decent dinner, brushed his teeth & was in bed by 6pm. I'm hoping that, other than the 8:30pm med dosing, he'll sleep through until 4:30am so we can have an even better day tomorrow.

He loves his new "3-wheeler" (as he and his dad have dubbed it). I'm so glad about that. I was a little concerned what he was going to think about it.

I'm praying for a peaceful night for him, a better day tomorrow, and continued healing in his little body. Thank you all for your continued prayers as we go through this journey. Your love, support & prayers help sustain us.


  1. Angel
    keep taking naps with him as much as you can it will help you all get through this time. You had great sleepers when they where babies .Connor still keeps me up half the night and he is almost 5. So get as much sleep as you can it will help you keep your peice of mind. I love you
    Dawn L

  2. Chasity Scherer is our niece and we have heard about Caleb. He is in our prayers. We lift up him and your family.
    Love and Prayers
    Jimmy, Dana and Taylor Singletary
