Friday, November 19, 2010

What a Great Week!

This has been a fabulous week. Caleb is getting better each and every day. Not only is he racing Dr. Murphy down the hall to treatment, but he has begun walking into the center from the truck. For the first couple of days, we still brought the 3-wheeler in with us, just in case he changed his mind. He would walk in, then ask to ride out after treatment was over.  Wednesday & Thursday, he not only walked in but he also walked out! AND.... since Thursday is clinic day, we headed straight to clinic after radiation. He walked from the parking garage, across the skybridge over the street, down the hall, around the corner, down the elevator, down another hall and into clinic BY HIMSELF!!! He then walked most of the way to see the trains at the hospital & he only asked to ride in the 3-wheeler for about 5 minutes the entire time we were at the hospital.  Friday, we left the 3-wheeler in the truck (his decision)!

He's become quite fond of a beautiful little 4-yr old girl named Sydney. She is just adorable. Caleb has asked if she can come over for a playdate soon.  Thursday, we met up with Sydney & her mom at clinic. Sydney had to be there for chemo every day this week. Her mom says Sydney actually likes chemo. I guess if you have to go through it, you might as well make the best of it.

He's also begun asking if we can bring extra snacks to share with the other kids. So, we've begun a "snack-swap" with Brenda, Sydney & Carly.  Brenda & Sydney have treatment before Caleb. Carly just started radiation this week and goes directly after Caleb.  All of these children are under 6 years old.  Please also keep these girls & their families in your prayers. They are all traveling different journeys than Caleb, but just as difficult.

I'm so pleased that he is back to his sharing, caring self again. It's so much fun watching him improve daily. We know our prayers are working. We can't wait to see what God is going to do next!


  1. So proud of my nephew! Can't wait to give him a big hug next week.

  2. I couldn't be more pleased for all of you. I know how horribly stressful these last months have been, and I'm SO glad that Caleb is continuing to make progress. You're all in my daily thoughts and prayers.

    Lots of Love,

